Multiple Yardi Property ID Integration

Knock can now integrate one Knock community to multiple Yardi property IDs!

Here's how it works if your one Knock community is hooked up to multiple Yardi property IDs:



Knock will pull in Availability for both of your Yardi property IDs. Whatever pricing and other settings are in place for that community will apply to all the Yardi property IDs you integrate with.



Knock will pull in residents for both of your Yardi property IDs.




Prospects will not always auto export to Yardi until you choose which property you want the guest card to export to, by clicking the "Export" button next to the corresponding property ID. The export could take up to 60 seconds.


Note that the 2 property IDs ("knock01" and "knock02" in the above example) are listed, and you can click the Export button for either one to export the prospect to the respective Yardi property. 


You can also click both of the export buttons if you want to export the prospect to both properties. This will result in 2 guest cards in Yardi (but just one in Knock), each with their own pcode:

The same export rules apply for prospects named "Phone Lead", "SMS Lead", or "New Lead"- you must give them a name and click "Save" before clicking "Export" which will actually export the prospect.



Yardi Prospect will auto-export if a shown unit is recorded on the guest card, given the community is using a Yardi Multi-Credential Setup. If multiple units are shown and recorded on a guest card, and each unit is associated with different Property IDs configured for the Knock Community, then the prospect would be exported to each property ID for the shown units recorded.



Every 60 minutes, Knock checks Yardi for prospects with activity in the last 3 days and either creates a guest card if they are not already in Knock or updates the Knock guest card with the latest events/information from Yardi if the guest card is already in Knock. This import will continue to take place as usual for prospects at both Yardi property IDs. 


If you click the Sync button next to the prospect pcode, it will pull in the latest information from the particular pcode at that property, from Yardi into Knock:

NEW: The export option is now available on the IOS application.
For more information, go to IOS: Yardi Export.

When the shown unit/units are selected within a Prospect’s card Events section we trigger the route '/visits/<visit_id>/shown-units' to save those units and connect them with a current Prospect.

After that we have to manually export a Prospect by clicking Export button/text in the Details section. This will call the '/prospects/<prospect_id>/integration-mapping' route with PUT method type to create a mapping if it does not exist (for Yardi only) and eventually call the export Task of the ProspectExportService


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